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About beyondconcepts 

I am an individual who has the spent the past six years of his life attempting to really get the to the truth of things, the whole thing, human existence (and every facet of it), and I think I have succeded. I have had more than a taste of what has been called things such as "spiritual enlightenment", "Buddhahood", "Truth-realisation" throughout the millenea, which represents the pinnacle of what is possibly experience as a human being and more, going beyond experience itself; wellbeing beyond all imagining; the peace that passeth understanding. As an eighteen old boy I experienced the permanent dawn of Sahaja Samadhi, the highest Samadhi, the state of infinite bliss, effortless continuous 24/7 meditation, and since then I have continued to deepen into this new mode of being and integrate old pieces of conditioning and trauma that have lingered. My goal is to fully embody the truth I have realised in this lifetime, and to take as many people as I can with me, or just some of the way; with every step life becomes more peaceful. 

 Recent history



This period I refer to as 'Darkness'. It represents the state of total unconsciousness, unawareness of self, complete identification with the sum of my social roles and masks. This seems to represent the state that most of humanity is in to one degree or another; groping in the dark.



This was an intense period of my life and the beginning of my experimentation with psychedelics and meditation, which I used extensively during this period. Over the course of six months my entire personality fell apart and a new mode of being began. I essentially realised myself as God, The Creator of every experience I had ever had, and feel into a deep meditative trance that never left me to this day. In an instant I understood every religion that has ever existed and every word every prophet had ever uttered. A new path was laid out before me; to differentiate what within me is true and what is false, on a personal and existential level. This goal usurped all other goals I had previously aspired to; an urgency arose, I became determined to realise and embody the Absolute Truth of Existence in this lifetime. 


Teaching, shadow work and continous embodiment 

As I continue to deepen into this state of infinite bliss, through the integration of emotional triggers and old trauma, my wellbeing grows even deeper and my ability to communicate the fruits of my realisation improves, allowing many people to benefit from my work. Difficulties and confusions still arise, but are met from a place of curiosity and peace, allowing for my realisation to deepen. I teach and inspire fellow travellers, and have given several well-received talks in the psychiatry attempting to spread awareness of my state of consciousness and the understanding of mental illness I have come to, as well as spreading awareness about the potential of meditation, LSD, psilocibin and MDMA to be used psychotherapeutically in the treatment of depression, anxiety, PTSD, as well as all other emotional difficulties and traumas, for which there is much evidence of unparalled potential. 

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